Monday, November 24, 2008


*Illustrasi dicuplik dari "HOW to Prune Trees"

Pada kunjungan ke kebun di Lenggeng semalam, TK sempat juga buat kerja-kerja 'pruning' (dalam bahasa-cantas kot) pada beberapa pokok yang dah mula bercabang besar..kadang-kadang rasa sayang jugak nak buang cabang-cabang yang sihat wal'afiat tuh..tapi apa boleh buat..untuk pokok gaharu ini kita mau memaksimalkan a nice clear stretch of the main trunk supaya mudah nak inokulate di masa depan..sudah gaharu cendana pula..

Contoh beberapa cabang pokok yang harus di'prune'

Di sini TK copy-paste kan ada satu 'quote on the net' tentang kiat memerun :
"Pruning cuts should be made so that only branch tissue is removed and stem tissue is not damaged. At the point where the branch attaches to the stem, branch and stem tissues remain separate, but are contiguous. If only branch tissues are cut when pruning, the stem tissues of the tree will probably not become decayed, and the wound will seal more effectively"

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